Jim & Joyce Van Schaack Wedding Photo
Lee Van Schaack
Dana and Lee Van Schaack
Chris, Dana and Lee Van Schaack

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Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2020
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2020

In Spite of COVID, the Van Schaacks have been busy in 2020. Our normal visits by family and friends were limited, but family and friends from all over the country got together using Zoom to celebrate Joyce’s 90th Birthday on July 30, 2020. It was great to be able to see and talk with everyone. Joyce and Jim also celebrated

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2019
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2019

Another year has passed and 2019 marked Jim and Joyce Van Schaack’s 70th Wedding Anniversary. The family gathered together to celebrate and Jim and Joyce were recognized at a meeting of the Laguna Niguel City Council on November 19. On August 17 Jim turned 91 and he and son Jim (Lee) came out of retirement to finish another architectural project

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2018
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2018

Jim and Joyce continue their 69 years together going to church and enjoying Joyce’s families’ visits. Joyce worked tirelessly on the California elections and with the DAR. They also continue to make new discoveries with family genealogy. Jim has retired and has been transferring old family movies, photographs and slides, and creating videos which will soon be on the families

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2017
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2017

2017 is almost over and 2018 will be here too soon. Jim and Joyce Van Schaack’s 68th wedding, and son Chris 57th birthday, so the family enjoyed thanksgiving celebrations together with twenty family and friends. The Van Schaack’s were thinking about Joyce’s sisters Janice and Lorene with November birthdays, surely they celebrated with sister’s LuWanna and LaVern, along with niece

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2016
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2016

Jim and Joyce celebrated their 67th anniversary this year with son Chris, Mary and all the rest of the family at Thanksgiving. They so enjoy children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Jim has completed the V.S. Family’s history to the 1300s in the Netherlands, and Joyce continues the Anderson family almost as far back. They enjoy researching ancestry, and have visited

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2015
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2015

2015 has flown by. We’ve made some changes in our household as our daughter, Dana, moved to California to be her favorite Dad and Mom. Our office has been turned into her busseling business in the Martial Arts field. Jim has moved his studio to the den and Joyce’s office is now in the master bedroom. With a few adjustments

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2014
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2014

This year Jim and Joyce had their 65th Anniversary and celebrated the day by baking cookies with daughter Dana and grandchildren Eva and Sam De La Torre. They had the entire family for dinner on Thanksgiving and then a 65th Wedding Anniversary celebration the following Saturday. Jim continues working with son Lee, designing remodels in South Orange County. He plays

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2013
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2013

Jim and Joyce went visiting this last summer. In June, they enjoyed family time, site seeing and some great times with brother-in-law Roy Powell in Vancouver, WA and niece Waneen and hubby Jon, near Seattle. They continued their travels to visit niece Vicki and Bob, who are spending much of their time enjoying grandchildren Conrad and ?, and nephew Steve

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2012
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2012

The Van Schaack Family is thankful for a wonderful 2012. This year we had a few health issues, but we came out on top! Hello Hollywood!!! One of the top events of the year came when Grumman’s Chinese Theatre invited Jim to exhibit his Historic Hollywood series of drawings in the theatre’s gallery in Hollywood, CA. Drop by and visit

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2011
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2011

A well attended event in October was enjoyed by many relatives as they rallied in Southern California. The Anderson clan had a wonderful time renewing memories for the elders and fun times for youngsters (under 50). Joyce enjoyed sisters Lorene (Ind.) and LaVern (Burbank). Also visiting with Joyce and Jim in 2011 were family members daughter Dana, son Chris and

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2010
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2010

It’s time again to share our wonderful 2010 with family and friends: Jim and Joyce continued their yearly travel to Indiana and Orlando in June, Pennsylvania and Washington D.C. in July, and then returned to D.C. in September with great Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation events. They continue their love of genealogy by enjoying the Kutztown German Festival in July, along

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2009
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2009

What a fantastic year, Jim and Joyce celebrated their 60th anniversary in November with family and friends. They also celebrated several family reunions, with one in Auburn, CA, another in Ashland, Oregon, and a third one in Franklin, Indiana. What a way to go with CCFF, visiting Orlando (2 times for Joyce), Illinois, Indiana, West Virginia, and Washington, D.C. Joyce

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2008
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2008

“It’s Getting To Look A Lot Like Christmas” as the Van Schaack family in Laguna Niguel, CA enjoys their house glowing with Christmas lights, lovely decorations and good cheer. What a busy year! Their families are fine, daughter Dana visited for several months, caring for Mom (with pneumonia) after Dad and Mom returned from a vacationing trip to Pennsylvania, where

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2007
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2007

What a great trip to Orlando with three restful days at the Hilton Resort Vacation Village, Joyce and Jim enjoyed then went to DisneyWorld with the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation for the Foundation’s children competition. Great weather and company. They then traveled to Franklin, Indiana to the Brewer/Anderson family reunion celebrating Sister Lorene and Lowell’s 70th anniversary and Lowell’s 95th

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2006
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2006

Jim continues with his home remodeling and design business, but his love is his famous landmark drawings. He has drawn old Hollywood haunts, architectural landmarks as well as historically important airplanes and automobiles. To enjoy his art visit his web site at http://www.historichollywood.biz. Jim enjoys playing golf twice a week as well as gardening. Joyce and Jim traveled to Ohio,

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2005
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2005

What an interesting 2005. It slipped away so quickly. Family members have really been on the road this year. Travel was in the air as Lee and Linda traveled to Telluride to visit old friends. Linda also visited her new nephew in Washington with her sister Kathy and Neil. Her mom is doing well in San Clemente. They continue to

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2004
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2004

2005 is upon us, and 2004 just flew by. In February, Jim and Joyce enjoyed their vacation in Waikiki, Hawaii, but loved getting back to Laguna Niguel, California. Joyce continued her last year’s service to the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation. She is now an Emeritus Trustee. Jim and Joyce have enjoyed their work with the Foundation for the past 11

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2002
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2002

The Van Schaack family is looking forward to hearing from each of our dear friends and relatives this year. Joyce’s family has made great efforts to get together. Her nieces Cheryl and Waneen made reservations at planned a “younger generation” cousin’s reunion. More than 25 cousins showed up in Lake Tahoe for a glorious weekend. Sister Lorene’s daughter Marsha and

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2003
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2003

Tis that Season to say hello from sunny California! The weather here has been gorgeous, time for all of you Easterners andW Mid Westerners to move west. Joyce is stiff serving as a presidential” appointee to the Christopher Columbus Fellowship Foundation and the organization had wonderful events this year. In June, Joyce and Jim traveled to Disney World in Orlando,

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2001
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2001

This has been a year for active travel for the Van Schaack clan, in the good ole U.S.A. Jim has fantastic photo albums. Here’s the family’s year in a chestnut shell — Lee, Dana and Chris — plus parents Jim and Joyce. Lee (aka Jim, HI) and Linda took son Nathan to Hawaii, even though the surf was not up!

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2000
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 2000

It’s December 6, 2000. Jim and Joyce just celebrated their 51st anniversary. A breakfast at the Ritz Carlton Hotel (gift from Pedersen friends from LaJolla), then to dinner with the Walters (gift from friends, De La Torres). What an interesting year for the Van Schaack family. Traveling to northern California to see the Bensons in Sacramento, then on to Minden,

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1999
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1999

Are those sleigh bells ringing? Not in California, those are wind chimes. Although in November anniversary bells were heard as family, neighbors and longtime friends gathered to wish Jim and Joyce a happy 50th anniversary. What a wonderful event Linda, Lee (Jim III), Chris, Mary, and Dana put together to celebrate with their parents. Also on hand planning and executing

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1998
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1998

Jim and Joyce wanted to travel to the Mediterranean to see Portugal, Spain and Greece in 1998 -to visit the villas and historical sites. Instead, they sold their Tarzana home of thirty years. They moved to San Clemente in April where they enjoyed similar weather to the Mediterranean’s. There they shopped for a lot to build a new home near

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1997
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1997

Lee, Linda, Dena and Nathan joined Mom and Dad Van Schaack to visit former President Reagan in his Century City office in late November to thank him for his great deeds as Calif. Governor and President of the U.S.A. On the way up to his office, they met old friends from 1975, Mike, Colleen and Cameron Reagan. Cameron is now

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1996
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1996

It’s almost 1997! The Van Schaack’s are still in tact, no additions or subtractions this year, thank you. Dana and family have gone through some rough times with husband Tom’s cerebral vascular accident October, 1995, and daughter Natalie’s burst appendix immediately following. Tom is making good progress, he is back driving, swimming and a regular at the gym in town.

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1995
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1995

lt’s almost 1996! The VAN SCHAACK’s are really glad ’cause, the Good Lord willing, it’ll be a brighter year. Chris and Mary, are land taping and working hard on their property. Chris started his Calif. native plants nursery last year and it’s growing and growing. Mercury, their precious puppy, is now full-grown and a sweet-heart of a dog, from much

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1994
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1994

As we look over a Winter Wonderland in Galena Forest. Nevada, we can’t think of past problems. but only visualize nature’s beauty and the hope it give us for the furure, its the day after Thanksgiving and the 45th Anniversary of Jim and Joyce. Looking back to Christmas 1993, we celebrated the holiday in Los Angeles with family and traveled

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1993
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1993

Chris and Mary were married at their Chatsworth home in April of this year. tt was a lovely outdoor wedding. Mary made her own gorgeous gown, and the two of them used their naturally beautiful setting as the backdrop for their nuptials. The majestic oak trees, fabulous food, music, and dancing, were enjoyed by even the littlest guests. This wedding

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1992
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1992

Dear Ones, 1992 is about to close and the VAN SCHAACK FAMILIES have much to celebrate. We have also had to say “until we meet again” to some dear friends. Chris and Mary Theis have set their wedding date for April 3, 1993. They have been busy remodeling their home in Chatsworth, California. Someday they will build another home on

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1990
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1990

What great things the Van Schaacks and extended families have accomplished this year. Goals were set by Chris as he decided it was the year for expansion. He purchased a house in a beautiful wooded canyon in Chatsworth. He is remodeling the existing house and has enough property to build a second home. Chris is seriously dating the loving, patient,

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1989
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1989

Chris left for McMinnville, Oregon to visit Granddad Van Schaack. They will return together for Christmas. This is a short vacation for Chris, who has been working hard in his own construction business. He also vacationed in Mexico last summer and enjoyed scuba diving. He’s so tall and good looking. Chris turned 29 in November. He’s quite a perfectionist (takes

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1988
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1988

Well, 1988 is about to end. The VAN SCHAACK families are weathering the storms and enjoying the beautiful sunshine –and counting their blessings. Chris is as busy as a bee in his own business of building and remodeling. He is currently studying the banjo, Thai cooking and basket weaving for enjoyment. He is quite a chef and is a surfing

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1987
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1987

WOW: 1988 is almost upon us. In sunny California the leaves are turning beautiful fall colors — the weather is chilly and Christmas is almost here. Christopher (age 27) just left for a winter holiday at Mammoth Mountains to ski, rest and have fun. His folks are pleased to have him back in Los Angeles. His Dad is utilizing Chris

VAn Schaack Christmas Letter 1986
VAn Schaack Christmas Letter 1986

The Van Schaack family continued their typical busy time in 1986. Chris graduated Cum Laude from the University with a major in International Finance. His love of travel has taken him around the world in ’86, leaving in June for Hawaii (3 weeks), Japan (2 months), Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Burma, China (I month), India, Russia (1 month), Sweden, Denmark

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1985
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1985

HELLO FROM BEAUTIFUL TARZANA, CALIFORNIA. Good news of 1985: Jim’s Dad visited a friend of 40 years, Elizabeth Logan, in McMinnville, Oregon and it was instant love. They married with nuptial agreements made. Dad became Episcopalian and our new Mom became Republican, Since then the folks have vacationed in Yellowstone and Alaska. Joyce and Jim have visited them several times

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1984
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1984

HEJ, HEJ…GLAEDELIG JUL OG GODT NYTAAR, lThat’s hello, Merry Christmas & Happy New Year from Denmark where Chris is attending the University of Copenhagen studying International Business. His family is proud he is such an outstanding honor student to be selected to receive academic credit along with students from Harvard, Yale, etc..Chris appreciates the support from bot hfriends and family

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1983
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1983

Can you hear those sleigh bells ringing? In one week Santa will be here and the Van Schaacks of Tarzana are expecting a visit from Lee, Linda, Dena and Nathan very shortly. Tom, Dana Adam and Natalie Stamos had their visit with grandparents over the Thanksgiving holidays and will be visiting with Stamos’ relatives in Ohio at Christmastime. 1983 has

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1982
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1982

1982 has been a bright and shining year. Introduced into the Van Schaack, III family in September was little Nathan James. Proud parents Linda and Lee, plus sister Dena Marie, are all ver happy. They are keeping warm fires burning in the Colorado Rockies as they look forward to 1983. Linda has been Mommying as she teaches Dena her great

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1981
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1981

CHRISTMAS 1981 – is almost upon us — what beautiful memories of Christmases past we hold so dear. “We’re making a Gingerbread Man, Grandma, and lots of cookies too….and for my happy birthday Mommy bought me a cake decoration with a honey bee, a bee comb and flowers, too.” Yes, Dena Marie Van Schaack will be three just after she

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1980
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1980

1980 has flown by! Once again globe trotting set in as Chris, Jim and Joyce found themselves visiting relatives and friends in Indiana, Michign and Colorado last July. In Southern Indiana they enjoyed the Brewer’s new home amidst the trees, along with the hospitality of the Brewers, Robinsons, Hamblens and Barnes. Then they jetted off to the Republican National Convention

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1979
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1979

1979 has been a truly blessed year, as two new babies arrived, Dena Marie Van Schaack, January and Adam Michael Stamos, June 11th. Dena is beautiful little girl with her Dad’s brown eyes, and her Mother’s beautiful nose and smile. She has two teeth appearing, and is already taking steps. Little Adam looks like his Dad, Tom, with dark brown

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1978
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1978

1978 has been an historical year for the Van Schaacks! As teaching ended in February, Joyce and Jim retreated to Santa Barbara for a week’s rest. There, to their surpise, they found the Santa Barbara Presidio, dating to the 1700s, being excavated. Jim’s Nikon was quickly put to use. After the Presidio came the missions in the area, filmed for

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1976
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1976

At the close of our bicentennial year we once again thank our dear Lord for our blessings. Lee and Linda are in their cozy nest in Telluride, but alas — no snow for the resorters and the ice on the lakes is not frozen solid enough to skate! The kids bought a bus and are rebuilding it into a recreational

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1975
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1975

It’s that magical time of the year as the smell of pine fills the air. It’s time to bake Christmas goodies; listen to carols; trim the tree and snoop through the presents; to do the last minute shopping and enjoy the sparkle and glisten of lights. It’s time to set out the stockings, the glass of milk and cookies for

Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1974
Van Schaack Christmas Letter 1974