An Interview with Dana Stamos : A Great Lover of the Martial Arts

December 21, 2018 1126 Views

This video is an older interview with Dana Stamos of Martial Arts Enterprises. Dana owns and operates many very large martial arts websites. Martial arts is about integrity and Martial Arts Enterprises is dedicated to the promotion of martial arts, martial artists and martial arts schools, businesses and organizations as will as supporting the action entertainment industry. Our websites include martial arts informational websites, directory websites, a video website and online training websites. We also have newsletters and email blasts to communicate with martial artists and martial arts enthusiasts, martial arts schools and businesses and with the action entertainment industry. Our websites include: (Company) https://www.USAdojo.comhttp://www.MartialArtsSchoolsDirectoryhttps://www.MartialArtsEntertainment.comhttps://www.MartialArtsEntertainmentD…http://www.FightCon.comhttps://www.UniversityMartialArts.com As a martial artist, Dana says, “I am not a great martial artist, but I’m a great lover of the martial arts!” Dana was born with certain disabilities and as an adult she had a serious fall which affected her short term memory. She began to study martial arts as an adult and discovered that it helped to improve her memory, coordination and spacial reference. She loves, supports and promotes the martial arts because the martial arts has made such a huge difference in her life.

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